Nadine is a Casual Dresser Who Loves Wearing Jeans


Fashion Blogger 50 Is Not Old is wearing a light blue cardigan and a white v-neck t-shirt with a pair of distressed jeans and slip on sneakersYay!!! So far, the reviews of the new website seem positive, and that makes me happy. Change is hard on everyone. It is hard on me trying to figure out new technology, and it is hard for you to figure out how to navigate and find things. But, hopefully, we will be able to weather the "change" storm and find bluer skies on the horizon. There are a couple more features that I want to incorporate, but I haven't had time to sit down and figure out how those work. I'll let you know when I get those up and running. If you haven't checked out the new blog theme, then go to the home page. Click HERE, or on my logo at the top of this page, and you will be redirected to the home page. Be sure to check out the added feature of the SHOP MY POST items at the bottom of each post, and also on each post on the home page.
Fashion Blogger 50 Is Not Old is wearing a light blue cardigan and a white t-shirt with a pair of distressed jeans and slip on sneakersI wanted to tell all of you that I had a wonderful birthday. My daughter laughed when I told her about my presents from Joe. She told me that she could tell that I was 60 by what my requests were. I asked to have all of the switch and outlet covers installed in my new office. When the gentleman painted my office, he got called away to another job that had an emergency, so the covers had never been put back on. I could have put them on myself, except that I couldn't find the covers, and I had looked everywhere. Joe messaged the guy, went and picked up covers, and then put them on. That was present number one. The next present that I asked for was a cuss-free day. Joe is known to have a fierce temper, and his tongue can get pretty carried away. So, I wanted a day of no cussing, and it went well…until the last hour or so. Haha! I told him that he owes me a few more hours, and he has agreed to continue biting his tongue. THEN, he gave me a gift of cleaning off the patio. Maybe I am getting older since those gifts thrilled me. Lol!
Fashion Blogger 50 Is Not Old is wearing a light blue cardigan and a white t-shirt Today it is supposed to be gorgeous outside, so I am going to get some much-needed vitamin D. I plan on getting some flowers planted, outdoor cushions cleaned, and making my newly washed patio more inviting. So, I'll be wearing my t-shirt and distressed jeans for my casual summer look, with the added cardigan while it is cool in the morning. Later, the jeans might give way to some shorts, but for now, I am trying to stay warm since I will be working with dirt and water.

My cardigan looks gorgeous, but it is not expensive. The beautiful blue cardigan is lightweight and perfect for this spring. I love the baby blue color, and I love the relaxed fit of the cardigan. I am wearing a medium, and you can see that it is plenty roomy on me. This cardigan is a fine gauge knit with a ribbed hem and cuffs. It is rayon and polyester, and it is machine washable. The cardigan comes in a lot of other colors, including a bright pink that I think I am also going to order. Since the cardigan is less than 10.00, I believe that I'll also order the red and pale pink ones too. LOL! HERE is the link to the sweater.
Fashion Blogger 50 Is Not Old is wearing a baby blue cardigan and a white v-neck t-shirt I don't have on any jewelry to show you today, other than my rings that I never take off, and two Tiffany bracelets that were gifts because of my R+F business. I saw that someone asked me about my rings, so I thought that I would tell you about them. My engagement ring is a vintage ring that was Joe's mom's. It was one that she had purchased at an estate sale, and then we had it reset in gold. The green ring is not emeralds, but instead, it is black opal. Joe bought this ring for me for my 10th wedding anniversary from a jewelry shop in Philadelphia that sells on eBay. They still have this version available, and HERE is the link to the listing.
Fashion Blogger 50 Is Not Old is wearing a pair of distressed jeans and slip on sneakersI love these slip-on sneakers!!! The neutral color is fabulous to wear with anything, but they also come in several other colors, as well as a leopard print version. These are so lightweight, and the no-tie laces make them super easy to slip on and take off. I ordered my usual size 9, and they fit me great. They are comfortable to putter around in all day, and they look super stylish as well. They are also priced under 23.00, so be sure to grab you a pair of maybe even TWO. Lol! HERE is the link to the sneakers.
Fashion Blogger 50 Is Not Old is wearing a blue cardigan and a white v-neck t-shirt with a pair of distressed jeans and slip on sneakersDistressed jeans are not everyone's cup of tea, but I like them! They look casual and relaxed, which is the look that I love. I've also worn these jeans in a dressier version (HERE), so these jeans are more versatile than you might think. If you can get past the part where there are holes and worn spots, you will like these jeans. This pair is by Scoop from Walmart, and I love the straight leg look. I am wearing my usual size 10, and they fit great. HERE is the link to the jeans.
Fashion Blogger 50 Is Not Old is wearing a light blue cardigan and a white t-shirt with a pair of distressed jeans and sneakersAdding a white v-neck t-shirt to my look completed the outfit. What is better than wearing a white t-shirt and jeans? I like the simple look, and you can wear it for almost any occasion. Just don't show up to a wedding with this on, but a bbq would be perfect. The v-neck shirt is part of a 2-pack that I bought from Walmart, and they are nice, especially for the price. I think of these as "throw-away" items, which means that I know that I'll probably be replacing them yearly or by-yearly, so I don't want a high-dollar version. I am wearing a size large in the shirts since I want them to fit loose. HERE is the link to the t-shirts.
Fashion Blogger 50 Is Not Old is wearing a light blue cardigan and a white v-neck t-shirt, distressed jeans and slip on sneakers

This week I will have enjoyed doing a giveaway each day. Today is the last day for the giveaways so, make sure that you sign up for my email subscription, and leave a comment about the topic of the day.

Today's topic is positivity and mindset. I am a huge believer that your mind controls almost everything in your life. Keeping a positive outlook is so important, but it is not easy for some. SO, comment on your best practices for maintaining a positive outlook on life. I do my daily devotions, listen to self-development books, and always try to list at least three things that I am grateful for each night as I close my eyes. Every day is not a good day, but a new day will be here before you know it.

The winner of the LASH BOOST lash serum by Rodan + Fields was…..Michele. Watch your email for a message from me.

So, to enter, subscribe to my email, and leave the positivity comment. The prize for today is a Kate Spade bangle bracelet, and the winner will be announced on Monday.

Thanks so much for following me on my blog. Be sure to follow me on Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube,andFacebook.

This post contains affiliate links. When you shop through my links, it helps support my business (at no additional cost to you), so thank you!

Psalm 139:15-16

15My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 16Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.


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