Tres Leche Cake Kids Activities Blog

Tres leche cake is a dessert that everyone will beloved, made from basic ingredients that you lot most probable already take in your pantry. It doesn't get any easier (or yummier) than that!

Tres Leche Cake
This is the all-time tres leche cake recipe! Information technology's super piece of cake, and you almost likely accept all the ingredients in your pantry.

What Is Tres Leche Cake?

Tres leche cake is Spanish dessert, made from basic cake ingredients, similar eggs, flour, baking powder, salt, saccharide, milk, and vanilla extract. Information technology'due south an piece of cake and succulent cake recipe that will make everyone happy (and if your family'southward dessert palate is anything like mine, that'south not always an like shooting fish in a barrel matter to reach!).

Tres Leche Cake
Pro Tip: Measure out your tres leche cake ingredients ahead of fourth dimension, to brand sure that you accept enough of everything y'all need before y'all begin baking.

Tres Leche Cake Ingredients

These ingredients are fairly straightforward.

Swap out all of the dairy ingredients for non-dairy options, and use a vegan egg replacement if you want to brand vegan tres leche cake!


  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 ½ teaspoons baking pulverisation
  • ½ teaspoon common salt
  • 5 large eggs, room temperature
  • 1 cup granulated sugar, divided
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ane/3 cup milk, whole or 2%

Milk Syrup:

  • ane can (12 oz) evaporated milk
  • 1 can (14 oz) sweetened condensed milk
  • i/3 cup heavy foam
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  • ii cups chilled heavy whipping cream
  • 2 tablespoons powdered carbohydrate
  • 1 teaspoon clear vanilla extract


  • Fresh fruit
  • Cinnamon and sugar mixture
Tres Leche Cake
Meridian your tres leche block with fresh fruit for a pop of colour and added flavor!

How To Make Tres Leche Cake

This is the All-time tres leche block recipe and information technology's super easy, besides!

First, preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

And then, coat a 13×nine baking dish with not-stick cooking spray and grit with flour.

Tres Leche Cake

In a large basin, combine flour, baking pulverisation, and salt.

Tres Leche Cake

So, in 2 small bowls, separate egg whites and yolks.

Tres Leche Cake

In a medium bowl, vanquish egg yolks with ¾ loving cup granulated sugar until pale yellow.

Tres Leche Cake

Side by side, stir in one/3 loving cup milk and vanilla extract.

Tres Leche Cake

Add egg yolk mixture to flour mixture and stir gently to combine.

Tres Leche Cake

In a large bowl, beat egg whites at loftier speed until soft peaks grade.

Tres Leche Cake

Gradually add together ¼ loving cup carbohydrate and vanquish until stiff peaks class.

Tres Leche Cake

Fold egg white mixture into batter gently merely until combined.

Tres Leche Cake

Spread evenly in prepared pan.

Bake at 350 degrees for 35-45 minutes or until toothpick inserted into middle of block comes out make clean.

Remove from oven and absurd on wire rack

Place big mixing bowl and beater in freezer to chill for frosting

Tres Leche Cake
In my opinion, this is the yummiest part of tres leche cake!

How to Make Tres Leche Cake Milk Syrup

Tres Leche Cake

In a medium bowl, combine evaporated milk, sweetened condensed milk and heavy cream, stir in cinnamon and vanilla extract until well combined.

Tres Leche Cake

When cake is absurd, poke pocket-sized holes in cake using a fork or skewer.

Tres Leche Cake

Next, slowly drizzle milk syrup over cake, allowing it to soak in.

Tres Leche Cake

Yous will now need to employ all of the milk mixture.

Ready aside.

Tres Leche Cake
Cypher beats bootleg frosting, yum!

Making Tres Leche Block Frosting

Start, remove bowl and beaters from freezer.

Tres Leche Cake

Side by side, add together whipping cream to bowl and vanquish on high speed until soft peaks form.

Tres Leche Cake

Add powdered sugar and vanilla and go on beating on high speed until potent peaks form.

Tres Leche Cake

Then, frost cake.

Serve immediately or place in refrigerator until ready to serve.

Store leftovers in fridge.

Tres Leche Cake
You lot can make gluten free tres leche block past swapping out only one ingredient!

How To Brand Gluten Free Tres Leche Cake

The only thing you will demand to practice to brand gluten gratuitous tres leche cake, is to supervene upon the flour with gluten free all-purpose flour! That's it! As always, double check the ingredients of all candy ingredient labels to be sure the products are gluten free.

Prep Time 30 minutes

Cook Time 45 minutes 35 seconds

Total Time ane hour xv minutes 35 seconds


  • Cake:
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 ½ teaspoons baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 5 large eggs, room temperature
  • 1 cup granulated sugar, divided
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ⅓ cup milk, whole or 2%
  • Milk Syrup:
  • one can (12 oz) evaporated milk
  • 1 can (fourteen oz) sweetened condensed milk
  • ⅓ cup heavy cream
  • i teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • one teaspoon vanilla excerpt
  • Frosting:
  • 2 cups chilled heavy whipping cream
  • 2 tablespoons powdered saccharide
  • 1 teaspoon clear vanilla excerpt
  • Toppings:
  • Fresh fruit
  • Cinnamon and sugar mixture



    1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
    2. Coat a 13x9 baking dish with not-stick cooking spray and dust with flour.
    3. In a large bowl, combine flour, baking pulverization and salt .
    4. In 2 small bowl, split egg whites and yolks.
    5. In a medium bowl, vanquish egg yolks with ¾ loving cup granulated sugar until pale yellow.
    6. Stir in ⅓ loving cup milk and vanilla extract.
    7. Add egg yolk mixture to flour mixture and stir gently to combine.
    8. In a large bowl, beat out egg whites at high speed until soft peaks form.
    9. Gradually add ¼ loving cup saccharide and vanquish until stiff peaks class.
    10. Fold egg white mixture into batter gently but until combined.
    11. Spread evenly in prepared pan.
    12. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-45 minutes or until toothpick inserted into centre of cake comes out clean.

    Milk Syrup:

    1. In a medium bowl, combine evaporated milk, sweetened condensed milk and heavy cream, stir in cinnamon and vanilla extract until well combined.
    2. When cake is absurd, poke modest holes in cake using a fork or skewer.
    3. Slowly drizzle milk syrup over cake, allowing information technology to soak in.
    4. Y'all will now need to utilise all of the milk mixture.
    5. Set aside


    1. Remove bowl and beaters from freezer.
    2. Add whipping foam to basin and beat on high speed until soft peaks form.
    3. Add powdered sugar and vanilla and continue beating on high speed until potent peaks form.
    4. Frost cake.
    5. Serve immediately or place in refrigerator until fix to serve.
    6. Shop leftovers in fridge
Strawberry Dessert Lasagna
Strawberry dessert lasagna is so succulent and really very unproblematic to brand!

Delicious and Easy Dessert Recipes

If your family is like mine, you lot can't get enough desserts! Here are some more easy and delicious recipes to endeavour:

  • Strawberry dessert lasagna looks more than difficult than it actually is! This is a corking "fancy" dessert, perfect for Valentine'due south Twenty-four hours!
  • Snickers salad is as fun to make as it is to eat!
  • Combine a few favorites into one fun dessert and make this s'mores sugar cookie dessert pizza.
  • Sometimes y'all simply need an piece of cake vanilla cupcake recipe, and The Nerd's Wife has got you lot covered!
  • Banana bread is a classic, and information technology's a swell introduction to baking for kids! Nosotros've got 25 astonishing assistant bread recipes for y'all to try!
  • Fancy desserts don't have to be difficult! Like this piece of cake homemade chocolate mousse.

What's your favorite cake recipe?


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